First bath
Tiny toes

Alissa ended up at Holy Cross Hospital, a place she'd sworn not to return. The circumstances however, of us arriving at said hospital could have only been the result of the divine [see author for full length story]. She was absolutely amazing as she was induced around 9:30p, began some painful contractions by 10:30p, and was writhing in, what could only be described as agony, by 11:00p. At about 11:15p she had decided that she was incapable of taking any more pain and asked for the drugs. [note: at 10:30p she was only 2cm] When the tech brought the cart in soon there after, she all of the sudden felt the urge to "push". The incredulous nurse (whom we loved by the way) decided that we needed an update on the cervix progression. Sure enough, she was 9cm and not slowing down.
All of the sudden there was a scene of incredibly calm, organized, and intense pandemonium. Five nurses were in the room, some trying to get the doctor, others gathering supplies, at least two had joined me at bedside in coaching Alissa although at this point they were doing everything they could to get her NOT to push until the doctor got there.
Alissa was in full force by this point, and very little was going to stop her from pushing. Doc arrived, she's an older Indian woman with a somewhat brisk demeanor that has the constant tinge of a smile around the edges. Very capable and in all accounts, a wonderful woman. It only took about 10 min and little Hazel, thanks to the great strength of her mother, came flying out into Dr. Risen's lap. I say flying, not because I am prone to exaggeration (which I am) but because our little "pine nut" sized daughter actually managed to make it about a foot and a half before she landed, all gooey and red, onto the safe knees of our lovely caretaker.
At this point, Alissa got a cursory cuddle with the "nut" before they wisked her away, not because she was in any danger but because the result of the aforementioned flight was some pretty severe tearing. Popi stayed with Moma until she stabilized and then cared for the serene little Hazel, patiently waiting in her warmer.
After stitching and bandaging, Alissa felt much better and was able to get transfered to post-pardum. Hazel has turned out to be a magnificent little eater and equally good at letting her parents get some sleep. She is tranquil and serene and we love her.
Note: We have to add at this point that we would not have had such a great experience had we not educated ourselves. We would highly recomend the Bradley Method classes. If you can get past the "Natural is Best" taboo, we think that people will find it extremely informative and empowering.
Sleeping peacefully
Proud momma and her beautiful girls
Brothers with their daughters
The Wheeler girls
The Love!
Getting to know each other
First family photo
Big sister singing 'If you're happy and you know it'
'Baby-ya. Eyes.' As e says...
'Unkie Jew' as e says.
re title:
After an exciting two days of water breaking (or not), contractions, then not, trips to two different hospitals...we had a baby girl.
Alissa ended up at Holy Cross Hospital, a place she'd sworn not to return. The circumstances however, of us arriving at said hospital could have only been the result of the divine [see author for full length story]. She was absolutely amazing as she was induced around 9:30p, began some painful contractions by 10:30p, and was writhing in, what could only be described as agony, by 11:00p. At about 11:15p she had decided that she was incapable of taking any more pain and asked for the drugs. [note: at 10:30p she was only 2cm] When the tech brought the cart in soon there after, she all of the sudden felt the urge to "push". The incredulous nurse (whom we loved by the way) decided that we needed an update on the cervix progression. Sure enough, she was 9cm and not slowing down.
All of the sudden there was a scene of incredibly calm, organized, and intense pandemonium. Five nurses were in the room, some trying to get the doctor, others gathering supplies, at least two had joined me at bedside in coaching Alissa although at this point they were doing everything they could to get her NOT to push until the doctor got there.
Alissa was in full force by this point, and very little was going to stop her from pushing. Doc arrived, she's an older Indian woman with a somewhat brisk demeanor that has the constant tinge of a smile around the edges. Very capable and in all accounts, a wonderful woman. It only took about 10 min and little Hazel, thanks to the great strength of her mother, came flying out into Dr. Risen's lap. I say flying, not because I am prone to exaggeration (which I am) but because our little "pine nut" sized daughter actually managed to make it about a foot and a half before she landed, all gooey and red, onto the safe knees of our lovely caretaker.
At this point, Alissa got a cursory cuddle with the "nut" before they wisked her away, not because she was in any danger but because the result of the aforementioned flight was some pretty severe tearing. Popi stayed with Moma until she stabilized and then cared for the serene little Hazel, patiently waiting in her warmer.
After stitching and bandaging, Alissa felt much better and was able to get transfered to post-pardum. Hazel has turned out to be a magnificent little eater and equally good at letting her parents get some sleep. She is tranquil and serene and we love her.
Note: We have to add at this point that we would not have had such a great experience had we not educated ourselves. We would highly recomend the Bradley Method classes. If you can get past the "Natural is Best" taboo, we think that people will find it extremely informative and empowering.
CONGRATULATIONS! Both Hazel and Momma look amazing. Hooray for little girls!
ReplyDeleteShe's here-I'm so excited for you. What a beautiful birth story-great job Alissa (and Joe)!! And what a cute family picture-family of four. I love the name-Hazel. Can't wait to meet her.
ReplyDeleteFANTASTIC! I love to read great blogs like wonderful and beautiful! I'm so happy for your adorable little family! YEAH FOR BEAUTIFUL HAZEL!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood Work Liss! I can't wait to come home and hold the little nut :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you guys!!! So glad that you had a good experience and that she's CALM and SERENE --that's WONDERFUL!!! I sent hazel a little gift and the green bowl you sent to me (thank you by the way --and for the iron spike, you are too much and I love it) because it's actually Erin's :) LOVE AND MISS YOU!!! yay for wheeler family of four!! oh yeah, and SUCH A BEAUTIFUL NAME!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you Alis! And welcome to Hazel, she is beautiful! And love also to Joe and Emmeline! Hope you can recover well and enjoy the wonderful excitement of having another spirit in your cute family.
ReplyDeleteLove you, Mindy
Molodetz! Felicitations! Wow. What a story! I can't wait to hear more of the details. We are so glad that everyone is safe and well. Hazel is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that all is well and that baby and mommy are happy and healthy. You all look beautiful! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Your girls are so adorable.
ReplyDeleteHazel is already our favorite cousin we've never met. Way to go Alis! We are so happy for you and can't wait to meet the newest member of the fam. You are all so beautiful! These pictures are wonderful - almost as great as if we could be there. Thanks for sharing with everyone!
ReplyDeleteYeah! I'm so glad she's finally here - flying into life! Esther and Nathan can't wait to meet their new cousin. Loves from us four to you four!
ReplyDeleteWhew! What an experience!! Congrats to you and your beautiful family. :)
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ReplyDeleteI am glad you had such a great experience! What a beautiful baby! Dr. Risam was my gyn for years and the only one my mom will see. For a little side story about her that might make you appreciate her even more. She was my mother's best friend's doctor. She had cancer and had battled it for 15 years. Dr. Risam after a procedure came out and said that they have done everything medical they could so now it was time to pray! Cool huh? My mom always said she thought it would be really cool to have a baby with her. She is pretty straight faced most of the time, but very kind and very well trained and capable and with excellent technical skills. She does things soooo well. We must have given you some British vibes, she was trained in England and did the first 12 years of her practice here. She was so excited when I told her we were moving here. Oh, BTW, if your interested in checking her out, she has a practice in Bowie.