Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I came across these words this morning and wanted to make them a little more permanent in my mind....

'Animation, virtue, love, contentment, philanthropy, benevolence, compassion, humanity, and friendship push life into bliss:...'

I'd like to push life into bliss.


  1. Oh I love it. Thanks for sharing such a great quote Alissa! That is a keeper.

  2. i want to push life into bliss as well... that's a really good quote. i like it.

    also, i'm not going to lie- your baby widget is somewhat creepy but i am mesmerized. i think i'm just going to sit here and gaze at it for a few minutes.

  3. Those are powerful words! I think we all could use a little more bliss, good thing the reunion is coming up to help us blissify our lives :) Love you!

  4. Oh such great words..we could all follow them!

  5. Just stopped by your blog to catch up! So glad to hear that things are going well!
    :) Deb
