Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Needed Break: Part I

I am a brave woman.
Two weeks ago, I set out in our trusty Elantra for a round trip 3,500+ miles road trip.
By myself.
With a 4 yr old.
A 2 yr old.
About 600 miles into the trip, I was wondering what in the world I had been thinking.
But that was the sinus infection talking.
A quick trip to an instacare.
A Z-pack.
And I was golden.

Our first stop was Prescott, Arizona.

Visiting with my niece, Heather ("in the Rain", as e calls her), was divine. We haven't seen her for 7 months--although it has seemed much longer. She has asked us to bring her photography equipment to her and we happily obliged. Have you seen her work?!?!

She graciously suggested a photo shoot and I choose the local zoo as the locale. Gotta keep the little ones happy and occupied, right? And, I really wanted to see the Mexican grey wolves they are raising as part of a nationwide conservation project...so cool.
 The free range peacocks captivated h in particular. And e couldn't stop talking about how the males were the beautiful ones, and would they see any "Momma and children peacocks?" I love that my girls immediately assign animals a mother, father, or child role. Their imaginations are constantly in use and, in e's case, so is her mouth. :) h takes it in, asking questions when she is unclear about something, or expressing her delight when something really piques her interest.
(heather's work)
(heather's work)
(continued on Part II)

1 comment:

  1. why yes yes you were brave! and did you really stop to take a picture of a rattlesnake?!?!?

    someday i might be brave like that, but maybe not! that was quite the trip, but glad you got to see so many people.

    sorry the 2nd part -- DC area did not work out!
